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Monday, April 9, 2007

Adi scratches....Denying a drill

Well..The entire stuff below.. is what I scratched within minutes..denying a heavy-duty drilling in the DSP [= Digital Signal Processing, right ??!!] class. The last days of college life, the thumbs-down in Air-Force interview & missing the Infy’s written test by just 0.3% of aggregate marks [I work for the very same company now, which can be another story :-)] had made my condition further worse. So when I saw Menon the great, testing his new ball point pen with some great art work and his name being written in plenty of styles, Out of jealous, I also got into the act of writing down something [I promise.. I wasn’t really sure what to write??] and the result is below for you to see…

PS: This is one of my first pieces of written-work. [Very obvious isn’t’ it??]
At the end, if you get “Moral of the Story”, do let me know. J

Adi Scratches …
- Denying a drill

“Is it me??” the question I ask for myself very often. There is nothing special about it. Everyone, who is addicted to the fever of ‘self-analysis’, will do the same. Definitely it’s a fever, which peeps now & then and contributes a lot to restrict one within the bounds.

‘Who am I?’ ‘What am I?’ ‘Where am I heading?’ , there is no end to the quest. It’s really unfortunate that many homosapiens loose their life, before they find answers to these questions. On the contrary, a few do it at the early stages and glow to the greatest.

Always, there are two ways, through which a fellow can learn – ‘what to be’ & ‘what not to be’. One asks you to go ahead, whereas the other cautions you against the odds.

Busy, busy, busy. I’m bored by this term, which makes man absolutely a moving machine. That’s why I say; sometimes loneliness is a boon in disguise. It’s the utmost requirement to chant the self-analysis mantra.

Switching back to the period, when I was a schoolie, I could see a bundle of milestones, a few of which pumped me up and a lot, which sucked me down. Upset?? Ne…up’s and downs are essentialities to term one normal. At the same time, downs add value to the ups. I believe, life is not what we get, but mostly what we go on to negotiate.

The college days were really a disaster to me. W.Churchill said, “The first duty of a university is to teach wisdom; not trade; character not technicalities”. And this is what exactly didn’t happened , when I was a colleger :-( . Having said that, past is totally irrelevant now and future is that, what I make it.

I’m afraid of losing. Losing those wonderful days of my life. The innocence, the child in me, the campus environment [Infy isn’t bad actually], the teachers, friends oh..God!! I’m losing everything.

But reality speaks. ‘To gain, one has to loose [something] ’. With hopes in heart, reality in front, I’m winding up from such moments. With absolutely nowhere to go, cloud of confusion has covered on me. A ray of hope still flashes in between, confirming its presence. It makes me aware of the fact , for which I have to live. The time only will expose the unseen fate of mine. Waiting to see it, I’m passing on the days. Truly it’s gamble , that how all my dreams will become a reality. I’m on, to play it….

Scratching ends here and so as the denied drill to me J.


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