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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mr.Politician - Don't divide us.

As the title says, the below stuff is all about the 'divide & rule' policy continued by our esteemed netas ...even after the British raj.

In a time when the country's welfare seems to be the last priority and self interests rule, these kind of opportunistic people can be found everywhere. Thank God, there’s a hurdle in the name of Supreme Court [Hmm..but even that's not spared!!] . Be it the Allahabad High Court's decision on minority status to the Muslims or the stay for the proposed Quota for OBC’s in Central institutions by SC, the issue boils down to the same point,
“Discriminate and/or divide in the name of correcting the past mistakes or reforms”

In a country, which is called secular, which promises every citizen of equal rights and opportunities...discrimination is carried out in open. In the name of social justice it is even passed as legislation. The funny part is - Almost all the political parties accepting it , without even raising a single question about its credibility [ Huh..such a sorry state of vote bank politics ]. Worse, there's no single 'acceptable' data on which the 'reservation bill' was passed and everyone, including some great minds [of very few] in our system just nodded their heads to this.

Few questions:

  • Agreed that reservation has benefited a section of the society, but how many meritorious students have lost out just because of their caste and for no mistake of theirs???
  • How long this should continue??? – Seems there’s no word about this in the bill.
  • What will happen to the core issue of “Creamy layer” being kept out of these benefits??
  • Who will help the real needy, who’s a non-OBC or non-minority??
    [ Is it going to be – “Sorry , you cannot be helped??”]
    And I can throw lots of such questions.

My experience:

Till the date I entered into the college, I never cared for the castism fundas. Irrespective of our castes, we were taught the same lessons, we were looked after in the same way, we chanted the same Sanskrit subhashitams, shared the same bench and even food.. but all until one-day things changed.

At the counseling for professional college admissions after my 12th, a separate list of merit was prepared based on the castes for allocation of Engg & Medical seats. Inspite of my decent scoring, nowhere in the colleges of my choice I was able to get a ‘free merit seat’. For the first time I experienced the brunt of de-valuing the merit. On the contrary seats were thrown open for the so called backwards.

The one, who always took drop to school in a Honda-city or the one who lived in a palace like home, suddenly became ‘backward!!’ and walked away with the seats of their choice . And also, should mention that, they had just managed to clear their examinations and were far below from me on the scoreboard.
And there are a plenty of these kinds of stories to be told…

I always feel that, the major sufferers of the reservation will be the average middle class, non-backward Indians. For whom, it could really be a difference in making or breaking their life.But again who cares??

Final punch:

Reservation has failed to achieve its desired objectives. so scrap it. Have long-term goals. Affirmative action is the way out. Don’t even give reservation to financially backward, but give them financial aid.
After all we don’t want to see Indians as ‘backward’ forever right??
Let the country progress :-)


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